Stronger than ever after a record-breaking year

The Lesjöfors group is growing steadily and in 2018, we reached sales figures of almost SEK 2.6 billion (EUR 255 million). We secure a good customer service for our global customers thanks to 28 factories worldwide. It is obvious to us that our customers appreciate the opportunity to local contacts and deliveries. Thanks to our extensive network, we can guarantee the best possible service and quality from all our local companies.
Strong local commitment to the customer
One of our main objectives in our operations is organic growth. Our loyal and devoted employees provide our customers with the best possible service and create the conditions for growth. An additional factor that contributes to the goal fulfillment is that we show our global customers the opportunities we can offer locally in the markets where they are operating. Here, we see very good results. Worth mentioning is the development in Asia where 28% of the total invoicing in 2018 came from new business. Thanks to this, we can further strengthen our offering and the local customer service. We have the capacity to take on many more projects in Asia and other markets, so do not hesitate to contact us if you have the need.
Expanded spring product range
As mentioned before, we also work hard to broaden our product offering. One example of this is the power springs we are launching in Europe and Asia based on technology developed by our American company. We can now offer a wide range of power spring products manufactured in Latvia, Mexico or the United States. Moreover, we continuously develop and expand our range of stock springs that you can find in our digital spring catalogue and web shop.
Growth through acquisitions and sustainability
A successful way to establish Lesjöfors in new markets have been to acquire local spring producers. Our latest additions to the group are spring producers in Asia and Sweden. We are open to further acquisitions to strengthen our presence globally and we work methodically to realize new exciting projects.
Sustainability is vital to our group and we work systematically on these issues to improve our impact. Environmental considerations play a crucial role in our investing decisions and for developing our operations. We will in the near future give you some examples in articles and newsletters from our sustainability agenda.
Equipped for the future
Our decentralized structure with a strong network of technicians and production staff conducts the basis for our group´s long-term success. The local responsibility that brings us close to our customer is an absolute success factor. We focus on our customers' best interests in all our decision-making.
We have experienced an extremely good business cycle but have noticed that some markets now are declining. This is mainly related to the automotive industry, which is affected by both new rules and by the conversion to vehicles with lower or no emissions. We know that the automotive market is cyclical and we expect demand to come back. Besides this decline, we see and meet industrial companies who show continued strength.
In brief, we are well equipped worldwide to meet new spring demands with dedication, competence and capacity. You are more than welcome with your inquiry!
Lesjöfors приобретает Metrol Springs Ltd в Великобритании -
Более 50 новых винтовых пружин добавлены в ассортимент -
Пружины и штамповочные изделия в оригинальных дисковых тормозах Haldex -
Lesjöfors отправляется в Голливуд -
Листовая пружина в передовой подушке безопасности для велосипеда -
Lesjöfors acquires Tribelt and De Spiraal in the Netherlands -
Great enthusiasm for automotive springs in Russia -
Stronger than ever after a record-breaking year -
Lesjöfors China awarded 'Excellent Quality Supplier of 2018' by Danfoss -
Lesjöfors Norway celebrates 25 years in business -
1M Euro investment expands production in the UK -
Lesjöfors breaks new ground with torsion springs in Australia -
A crowded Lesjöfors stand at Elmia Subcontractor -
Lesjöfors' UK company engineer the future -
New optimism in the Norwegian oil industry -
Adding bounce to the trampoline industry -
Heating up one of Britain's top inventions -
CEO sees a bright future ahead -
Lesjöfors Gas Springs in Latvia speeds up automation -
Kiekert awards Lesjöfors Slovakia for outstanding performance -
Springs display Nike trainers on Oxford Street -
Lesjöfors Automotive named 'supplier of the year' by KG Knutsson AB -
Lesjöfors is manufacturing music for the National Theatre -
Valve springs from Lesjöfors in exceptional motor construction -
Sponsoring student projects for future cooperation -
Award for social responsibility in Denmark -
Lesjöfors Automotive named Supplier of the Year 2016 -
Лейшефорс удостоился признания «Поставщика года» -
Acquisition strengthens Lesjöfors's position in Asia -
New 2016 Leaf Spring Catalogue -
When replacing coil springs, beware of budget brands -
Lesjöfors Sales and Marketing Success -
Lesjöfors launch 2015 coil springs catalogue
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